22nd June 2019
Year 8 immersed themselves in a week of scientific enquiry and experimentation as they prepared for both our internal science fayre and our inter-schools science fayre. The presentations were selected by the Year 8s relating to their own interests. They then researched them and spent time creating their presentations. There were a great range of scientific aspects chosen, including explorations of erosion prevention, electromagnetic train models, acidic food testing for people suffering from stomach ulcers, an exploration of air pressure in creating patterns with smoke and knocking over objects, and a model of the human digestive system, to name a few.
The pupils from Years 1 to 7 came to admire and learn from the myriad of Year 8 presentations and were impressed with what the Year 8s had created. They left enthused about science and keen to have their own investigations.
On the Friday it was fantastic to welcome pupils from St. Andrew’s, Greensteds, Hillcrest and Kenton with their scientific presentations.