5th March 2021
At Braeburn, throughout the year themed days are woven into the curriculum to extend the breadth and balance of opportunities we offer our pupils. This allows our pupils to develop additional skills whilst immersing them in creative activities and challenges that are different to their normal everyday lessons.
To celebrate the end of our topic ‘Early Man’ and consolidate their learning, the Year 2s had one of their favourite curriculum enrichment days - Early Man Day! They had an exciting, action-packed day. It was an opportunity for the children and teachers to dress up and share some of the experiences of these pre-historic hunters and gatherers. The activities included a parade to show off our costumes (the face masks may not be too authentic for the period), hunting and gathering around the school, cave painting, mock teeth-and-bone jewellery-making and fishing in the school pond.
A big thank you to all the parents/guardians for all the effort with the costumes. The children looked amazing.
A fabulous day was had by all.