Fête de la Francophonie à Braeburn

23rd March 2024

I'm excited to announce the successful conclusion of our Francophonie week celebrations. Throughout the week, every student has been actively engaged in a series of enriching activities during their form class sessions. These activities have varied from reviewing French-speaking countries to delving into the rich culinary heritage of Francophone nations. Furthermore, students have explored the significance of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in promoting linguistic and cultural diversity worldwide. Enhancing their French language skills even further, students also participated in a tongue twister challenge, adding a fun and challenging dimension to their learning experience. Our secondary school French learners were treated to special activities tailored to their language proficiency level, ensuring a dynamic and immersive celebration of Francophonie week for all.

Daphné Hinault

Head of Modern Foreign Languages

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Year 13 - Stories in French

For Francophonie week, 3 Year 13s and 3 Year 12s went over to FS2 to read some stories in French. We read them three different stories. One was about a dragon, the other about a crocodile and another one about a colourful cake. The children were very enthusiastic and engaging and picked up some basic French words which we taught them. It was a very pleasant experience which we would love to do again.

Emmanuel & Milembe Y13

Year 12 - Games in French

On Wednesday 20th March, Year 12 and 13 had the opportunity to play some French games with FS1 and FS2 children. Some of the games played were 1,2,3 Soleil (red light, green light), le facteur (duck, duck goose), Jaques a dit (Simon says) etc… The children were amazing and participated in every activity! The Year 12/13 absolutely loved playing with them and had a lot of fun. It was also a nice learning experience, picking up the skills of communicating with little ones, being patient and transmitting knowledge. We all would love to play in French with FS 1/2 again and it’s an experience we won’t forget!

Milla Ternois Y12

Year 11 - Petit déjeuner

For the celebration of Francophonie week (la semaine de la francophonie), the Year 11 French students attended a French breakfast in which we enjoyed a variety of French delicacies including multiple kinds of pastries like croissants, baguettes and pains au chocolat. This experience was very pleasant as we not only got to feast on these tasty foods but we also got to learn more about French food. Afterwards,we played a very popular game originating from France called "la pétanque". It brought us all together to bond as a class. Overall these activities helped us to relax and enjoy time together before the start of our IGCSE exams and above all we also made beautiful memories!

Chloe Iraba Y11

Year 10 - Pétanque

On Thursday 21st March, during Francophonie week, the Year 10s spent their French lesson playing a game called pétanque. Pétanque is a game where players throw metal balls as close as possible to a small wooden ball, called a cochonnet. The first game, there were 2 teams, red and green, and the red team won by just one point! The second game was girls vs boys and it was a very suspenseful competition and the boys won. The Year 10s really had a lot of fun playing this game and actually wish to play it every week! They really enjoyed this friendly competition and learned a new French game.

Mariam Safwat Y10

Year 9 - Le jeu de la musique

La semaine de la francophonie or simply put the Francophonie week is a week around March 20th where cultures and diversity of French speaking countries is celebrated. In our school we took initiatives to celebrate this by participating in various fun activities. Our class played a game "Guess the Lyrics" where we listened to songs from diverse French-speaking countries and guessed their lyrics in the song played. This was a really fun and interactive activity because we heard famous French songs and thoroughly listened to them. We ended the celebration by devouring croissant sandwiches that I made for my class and it was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves. Quelle excellente expérience!

Dhara Shah Y9

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Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Kenyan International Schools Association