Mt Kenya Trip

26th February 2024

The real adventure started as we entered the gate to commence day one’s walk. It was 9km of uphill along a paved road. After a few hundred metres we passed from the southern to northern hemisphere before finding a viewpoint for the beautiful Sirimon gorge. After about 4 hours of walking we arrived at Old Moses, our first camp. The tents had been pitched and a hot drink and popcorn awaited us to refuel. As we settled into our tents, the team prepared dinner before an early bedtime.

Day two started with an early and cold start; the aim was to leave camp by 7:30am. After packing up our bags and a breakfast of porridge, pancakes, sausages, and fruits we set off at 8:15am for the longest uphill day. Our first main checkpoint was the meteorological station which was visible from Old Moses, a steep, rocky section made it a much longer walk than expected. After that there was some undulation as we traversed two valleys with fast-flowing and icy cold streams; a perfect place to replenish our water bottles. From there, the climb took us up to a ridge at the top of the Mackinder Valley where we took a break for lunch before the welcome descent to the valley bottom. A narrow and winding path led through the valley littered with boulders fallen from the cliffs hanging above all the way up to Shipton’s Camp, base camp of the summit ascent the following day.

Day three was our big summit day, the longest hike at 21 kilometers.We commenced at dawn, with an initial group of four students embarking at 2:00 am to ensure timely arrival at the summit. Then, a larger group left at 3:00 am after a quick breakfast. We were all excited to reach the Lenana peak, but the path was steep, rocky, and sometimes slippery. We had to walk in a line because the trails were narrow. Along the way, we saw Lake Ellis, a beautiful crater lake. Even though it was tough, more than half of us made it to the top after three hours of climbing. The peak was a jubilant scene, with smiles all around, cameras clicking, and awe at the icy peak and beautiful scenery. After enjoying the moment at the peak, we walked back down to Shipton’s Camp.

After a brief stop for breakfast and to pack our bags, the long descent back to Old Moses began. A much easier and faster walk on the way back down, despite some very tired legs and waning energy levels, but a great opportunity to really appreciate the stunning scenery of this beautiful mountain landscape and bathe in the glory of conquering the third highest peak of Africa’s second highest mountain.

The final day was a gentle walk back down to the gate along the road before exiting the park and finding our way to Randall Place for a welcome and well-deserved pizza lunch.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the trip, to the parents for their support and the wonderful team of teachers who took on this challenge alongside the students. To Mr Lateo, Mr Juma and Mrs Welch; it was a pleasure. Congratulations to all the students who showed unbounded resilience and determination. Everyone reached a limit and then pushed beyond it in some way on this trip; well done.

BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Tanzanian International Schools Association
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations