11th March 2023
Since the split of the Nairobi Schools into two, for the first time this year, we had a triangular that got the Nairobi West Schools - The Banda, Brookhouse, Hillcrest, and Braeburn School, playing against Nairobi East Schools (Peponi, Braeburn Garden Estate, and Kenton). The Upcountry schools were made up of (St Andrews Turi, and Pembroke).
In the girls’ category, the Nairobi West Schools took the day in a spirited fight for the top position from all the groups, while in the boys’ category, Nairobi East took the coveted position, with Nairobi West coming in second. There were some brilliant performances from Matthew Naibo in goal, and Trey Garner putting up a spirited fight upfront. The second game against the upcountry schools was a resounding win, with some notable performance from Alejandro Leveanesige. Despite the fact that Braeburn were runners up in the boys’ triangular, all agreed that once the boys had settled down, they were by far a much better team. Congratulations to all!