14th February 2022
Children's Mental Health Week took place on 7-13 February 2022. This year's theme was ‘Growing Together’. Throughout the week, we encouraged the children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others to grow. To mark the end of Children’s Mental Health Week, we had an off-timetable ‘Wellbeing Day’. The purpose of this day was to promote positive mental health and to encourage the pupils to reflect on their wellbeing, feelings, achievements and goals.
As per the Braeburn Circles, we aimed to help the pupils to develop as Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens, and Learners Enjoying Success. Throughout the day, the pupils reflected on the Braeburn Circles and Values. The pupils followed a range of activities, some of these activities included going on a nature scavenger hunt, using art and drama to express their emotions and writing poems about how they have grown and have helped others to grow. We also had specialist teachers who lead workshops and sessions in their subject area.
This was an amazing day of appreciation.