Year 2 ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ @ The Firestation

9th October 2024

Our Year 2 pupils had an exciting and educational experience at the KK Security Fire Station as a culmination of their unit on the Great Fire of London. Over the course of four days, each class took their turn visiting the firestation, eager to discover the advancements made globally to prevent disasters like the Great Fire from happening again.

The day began with a fire safety session in a classroom, led by one of the firemen. The pupils learnt what to do if their clothes ever caught fire, mastering the important "Stop, Drop, and Roll" technique. They also explored the essential equipment worn by firemen and understood the reasons behind each piece of gear, adding to their knowledge of modern fire-fighting.

After a short break, the adventure continued with lessons about ambulances and fire engines. The children were thrilled to meet real-life firemen and paramedics, who gave them a peek into the vehicles they use in their heroic work. They explored the inside of the ambulance and fire engine, fascinated by the tools and equipment on display. The highlight for many was getting the chance to ride inside both the fire engine and the ambulance, giving them a taste of what it’s like to be part of an emergency response team.

To cap off their visit, the pupils enjoyed a refreshing 'shower' courtesy of the fire engines, squealing with joy as water sprayed into the air. The trip provided a hands-on experience of how far fire safety has come since the Great Fire of London and left the children inspired by the dedication of our modern-day heroes.

It was truly a memorable trip for all!