Year 5 in Mombasa

3rd June 2018

On the 14th of May, Year 5 embarked on an educational visit to Mombasa. The trip was prepared and led by the Infinity Outdoors team who organised a schedule of beach and pool games, paired with outdoor educational trips to historic and naturalistic sites.

The team had the chance to visit Fort Jesus where they learnt about the historically rich, at times brutal, past of Mombasa, and the influence it had on international trade. They also spent the afternoon exploring the grounds of Haller Park- once a quarry wasteland transformed into an ecological park. Here the children fed giraffes, observed hippos and century-old tortoises and walked through the butterfly pavilion whilst learning about the positive ecological impact of the area.

The trip was a resounding success both academically and socially. For most of the children, it was the first time travelling on a plane and staying overnight without their parents or guardians. They took it in their stride and showed independence and resilience. Furthermore, it was clear the positive impact the trip had on the unity and comeradery of the year group. They returned on the Wednesday exhausted, but with a renewed respect and understanding for each other.

A huge thanks must go to Reef Hotel Mombasa for accommodating and feeding 50 excited children and the Infinity Outdoors team for organising and coordinating such a fantastic trip. Until next year!

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
BTEC Level 3
Cambridge International Examinations
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence